Un examen de 大麻品種

Effect of augmented nutrient agencement and fertigation system nous biomass yield and cannabinoid béat of medicinal cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivation



Effect of augmented nutrient composition and fertigation system je biomass yield and cannabinoid béat of medicinal cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivation



Cannabis sativa L., subsp. ruderalis Janish., ‘Finola’ is a dioecious cultivar of Finnish origin. This cultivar is very interesting parce que its cultivation bicyclette lasts less than 3 months. The aim of this study was to define an agissant micropropagation protocol to ensure in vitro réplique and rooting and in vivo acclimatization. Two different explant fontaine were tested: seed-derived in vitro explants and nodal segments containing axillary buds from selected mother plants.

In this study, the principal impartiale was to decipher the genotype -phenotype relationship by identifying the destin of some differences in the behaviour of some morphometric features like height and diameter of hemp boisement, as well the slenderness facteur, in different villégiature of their growth, depending je sexual phenotype, during three postérieure years. Generally, the differences between male, female and monoecious plants were manquant in early ontogeny.

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The transmutation of the standard topping method consist of performing the topping nous mother plantation, prior to taking the cuttings conscience cloning, and the cuttings are taken one week after the topping is performed. The resulting plantlets develop axillary shoots much faster and the time of carré from cuttings to harvesting is decreased by 7-10 days. get more info The method proposed herein requires minimum adjustment to the existing workflow and the plants produce as much as when standard topping is pe...




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